Marsa Abu Galawa

Marsa Abu Galawa

Dive Site Overview

Depth: 18-35 M Diffculty: Intermediate Type: Big fish , Deep dive , Shallow

Nestled in the enchanting waters of the Red Sea, the Marsa Abu Galawa dive site in Hurghada beckons with its captivating beauty and rich marine diversity.
As your gateway to thrilling underwater encounters, Blue Paradise Dive Centre invites you to embark on an exploration of this aquatic wonderland.

Let the azure waves of Marsa Abu Galawa reveal their secrets and introduce you to a world of awe-inspiring beauty.

In the diving area north of Hurghada, Marsa Abu Galawa offers a convenient escape from the city's bustling shores.
Just an hour's sail away, this dive site welcomes adventurers to its serene and vibrant embrace.

Depth and Conditions
Marsa Abu Galawa boasts a diverse topography that caters to divers of all skill levels.
Its unique layout ensures both novices and experienced divers can explore its depths comfortably.

The site's depth ranges from shallow to moderate, making it an ideal choice for those seeking varied underwater experiences.

Discover the wonders of Turtles Bay, another premier dive site in the Red Sea.

What do you expect to see here

Prepare to be enchanted by the kaleidoscope of marine life that Marsa Abu Galawa unveils:

  • Delicate seahorses reside among seagrass beds in the tranquil lagoon.
  • Mysterious stonefish add an air of intrigue near coral blocks.
  • Breathtaking tableau of table corals gracing your path.
  • Clusters of hard corals adorn the slope at the drop-off's edge.
  • Captivating eel garden dancing with life at about 14 meters depth.
  • Enchanting caves adorned with glassfish, create an otherworldly ambience.
  • Schools of colourful fish, including bass, moray eels, and scorpionfish.

Dive freely and to depths with our PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course

Experience the Magic with Blue Paradise Dive Centre

Let Marsa Abu Galawa's splendours come to life under the guidance of Blue Paradise Dive Centre.

Our seasoned instructors ensure your safety while immersing you in the underwater magic of this extraordinary site.
Whether you're a newcomer to the diving world or a seasoned enthusiast seeking new horizons, our range of dive courses and activities cater to all.

Embark on Your Underwater Odyssey

Unlock the door to unparalleled underwater beauty at Marsa Abu Galawa dive site in Hurghada.

Join Blue Paradise Dive Center for an unforgettable journey into the heart of the Red Sea's marine wonders. Immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of colors and life that await beneath the waves.

Start your adventure today and become part of the Blue Paradise Scuba diving community in Hurghada. Your underwater odyssey begins now!